Productive4.0 – Technology Pioneer 2021
Productive4.0 provided evidence for the fact that transparency and cooperation can cause a real digital push to Europe’s industry. This is why it received the Technology Pioneer Award 2021.
At the same time, the award by EU programme ECSEL JU (Electronic Components and Systems for European Leadership Joint Undertaking) is a tribute to the consortium of Productive4.0 which has successfully finalised the biggest EU-funded project to date, after the duration of three years.
With a 109 partners from 19 countries, Productive4.0 came up with hands-on solutions paving the road to a digitalised production in European companies. This comprises a significant improvement of the complete value chain, from individual processes over optimised logistics to new ways of customer relations. Similarly, the approaches for managing an ever increasing complexity in research and manufacturing, which comes along with additional internal resources, are due to the synergised expertise of all the 560 participants that were active in the project.
The results demonstrate what can be accomplished when cooperating and aiming at a common goal. They can be seen in over a hundred YouTube videos; and they show that roughly 50 million euros in EU funding were well invested. The strong innovative drive under the umbrella of the research project turned out to be a benefit for all partners involved, the European industry and society.
On this occasion, Productive4.0 says thank you to ECSEL JU (recently renamed as KDT JU) on behalf of the European Commission, to the national authorities, and to all who have contributed to the awarded title of European Technology Pioneer.
Numerous results from Productive4.0 are already being continued and deepened in further projects.