Productive 4.0 is a European co-funded innovation and lighthouse program

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A user platform optimizing industrial processes

The aim is to create a user platform across value chains and industries, thus promoting the digital networking of manufacturing companies, production machines and products.

The participating partners will examine methods, concepts and technologies for service-oriented architecture as well as for components and infrastructure in the Internet of Things. Other aspects are standardization and process virtualization, in other words, simulating manufacturing processes to optimize real workflows. The platform can be used in the three interlocked process pillars for managing the supply chains, the product life cycle and digital production.


United for a Digital Future

The main objective of Productive4.0 is to achieve improvement of digitalizing the European industry by electronics and ICT.

Ultimately, the project aims at suitability for everyday application across all industrial sectors – up to TRL8. It addresses various industrial domains with one and the same approach of digitalization. What makes the project unique is the holistic system approach of consistently focusing on the three main pillars: digital production (DP), supply chain networks (SNC) and product lifecycle management (PLM), all of which interact and influence each other.

This is part of the new concept of introducing seamless automation and network solutions as well as enhancing the transparency of data, their consistence and overall efficiency. Currently, such a complex project can only be realized in ECSEL. The consortium consists of 45% AENEAS, 30% ARTEMIS-IA and 25% EPOSS partners, thus bringing together all ECSEL communities.

  • 106 Mio. Euro is the total project budget. Almost half of it is funded, partly by the EU, partly by ECSEL Joint Undertaking and the national authorities of involved countries.
  • 109 participants from over 19 countries work and research together on Productive 4.0.
  • The Productive4.0 project will run until the end of April 2020.

0 Mio. Euro

Project budget

0 participants

From over 19 countries

0 years

Project period until the April 2020


Revolutionizing the industry – step by step

Productive4.0 will furnish companies with fundamental tools necessary for the digital transformation. It focuses on a digitalized production applicable to all kinds of products. The results such as IoT components modeling and simulation methods as well as tool chains for cross-lifecycle and cross-domain digitalization are suitable means for linking all stages of a product lifecycle in a sustainable way. The project consists of 10 work packages (WPs), each with individual technical objectives.

  • WP1 - Architecture & Concepts for Digital Industry
  • WP2 - Environment for Digital Industry
  • WP3 - Components Iot
  • WP4 - Process virtualisation
  • WP5 - Production Control
  • WP6 - Standardization
  • WP7 - Productive4.0 Framework
  • WP8 - Automation & Digitisation
  • WP9 - Product Use Cases
  • WP10 - Project Management
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