Furnish the industry with SoS-based system architecture platforms supporting automation and digitalization for a sustainable production
SoS-based means the collection of dedicated systems in order to pool their capabilities for generating new and overall efficient complex systems. They will provide a domain independent platform enhancing automation and digitalization, application development, deployment, operation and maintenance. Covering fields like seamless integration of design, manufacturing and lifecycle management, this platform will boost overall efficiency.
The key platform requirements are real-time performance, safety and security, engineering and scalability as well as support of plant capturing, of device and system configuration and of production associated to business models and transactions support. The platform core design and implementation are targeting TRL 7-8. Digital production, Supply Chain Networks and Product Lifecycle Management support the platform’s functionalities. Designs and implementations are targeting TRL 5-7.
Interaction & Relation with other WPs: All other WPs (2-10)
Leader WP1: BnearlIT: Hans Forsberg/ LTU Prof. Jerker Delsing, PhD