Opening the gates to the digital future

Productive4.0 is an ambitious holistic innovation project, meant to open the doors to the potentials of Digital Industry and to maintain a leadership position of the industries in Europe. All partners involved will work on creating the capability to efficiently design and integrate hardware and software of Internet of Things (IoT) devices. Linking the real with the digital world takes more than just adding software to the hardware.



A technology push: hands-on solutions for the European Digital Industry

With 109 partners involved, Productive4.0 is Europe’s biggest research project in the field of Digital Industry. As a brain pool the Framework takes a step further towards hands-on solutions. Means of electronics and  Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) across the entire value chain are the key to enhanced production efficiency and significant gains.

They will make production more predictable and flexible, change business models, and they will be the basis for more qualified employment. Productive4.0 will furnish the companies with fundamental tools necessary to transform the potentials of the upcoming digital revolution, known as Digital Industry, into business success.


Funding Authorities

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Visions & Facts


Funders and supporters

The co-funded innovation project Productive 4.0 receives grants from the European Commissions H2020 research and innovation programme, ECSEL Joint Undertaking (project no. 737459), the free state of Saxony, the German Federal Ministry of Education and national funding authorities from involved countries.


Our project partners

More than 100 partners from 19 European countries will work on preparing the way for the upcoming digital transformation. The Productive4.0 consortium is composed of highly experienced partners along the entire added value chain.

Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia / Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Sector: Research, Academia
Business portrait

Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia (FCT) is one of the 9 autonomous academic units of Universidade Nova de Lisboa (UNL). For Productive4.0, the Centre of Technology and Systems (CTS) is mobilised. The CTS has well-known skills in systems’ modelling, conception and design of architectures, development of toolkits for standards-based platforms and methodologies for design and implementation of open systems, etc. focusing on the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) / Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS).

Key project responsibilities
  • Design and development of Innovative IoT-enabling components both working at the hardware/software design, engineering and integration of IoT enabling components for the Digital Industry
  • Definition and development of Semantic Interoperability Support Services for the Arrowhead Framework 4.0
  • Contributing to the scientific communication of project S&T achievements and research / technological results
Key Collaborations
  • Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto
  • AITIA INTERNATIONAL Informatikai Zártkörűen
Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia / Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Campus da Caparica, Quinta da Torre
Persons in charge
Pedro Maló
Filipe Moutinho
Luis Gomes
Høgskolen i Østfold - Østfold University College
Sector: Research, Academia
Business portrait

Østfold University College has around 100 studies taught in new and modern premises.
The university college has a total of just under 7,000 students. There are nearly 3,600 ordinary students at campus Halden, nearly 2,400 ordinary students at campus Fredrikstad, and nearly 1,000 students are taking continuing and further education programmes under the auspices of HiØ VIDERE (Centre for Continuing Education) at both campuses.
The school has more than 550 members of staff.

Key project responsibilities
  • HIOF is Work Package co-lead for Standardization
  • HIOF is Task Leader for Requirements on Architectural Frameworks
  • HIOF supports the chemical production use-case at Unger Fabrikker
Key Collaborations
  • AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH
  • BnearIT AB
  • Budapest University of Technology and Economics
  • Luleå tekniska universitet
  • Prediktor AS
  • Stiftelsen Sintef
  • Tellu IoT AS
  • Unger Fabrikker AS
Høgskolen i Østfold - Østfold University College
+47 69 60 80 00
Persons in charge
Øystein Haugen
+47 913 90 914
Agileo Automation
Sector: Automation, Information Technology, Semi Conductor, OEM
Business portrait

Software and robotics solutions for production equipments.

Agileo' services allow equipment manufacturer automating their production equipments and let them communicate with the factory IT (PLM and MES)

To reduce equipment time to market, Agileo proposes A²ECF a middleware structured as a framework. Based on Agileo’s large experience in equipment automation, A²ECF fulfills major requirements to control an automated and connected equipment.

Key project responsibilities
  • Assess OPC-UA capability against legacy technology (SEMI standard) to enable a production equipment communicate with a virtual MES
  • Virtualize a semi-conductor production equipment
Key Collaborations
  • CEA Logo du CEA
  • STMicroelectronics Crolles 2 SAS
Agileo Automation
11 rue Victor Grignard
+33 5 49 49 61 79
Persons in charge
Managing Director
+33 5 49 49 61 79
Technische Universität Wien
Sector: Research, Academia
Business portrait

Technische Universität Wien (TUW) has about 20.000 students and a heavy emphasis on research in the engineering sciences. The Faculty of Informatics of TUW comprises about 3.000 students. The Institute for Computer Engineering (ICE) is one of its seven computer science institutes. Within ICE, Prof. Radu Grosu heads the Cyber-Physical Systems Group (CPS), the successor of the Real-Time Systems Group headed by Prof. Hermann Kopetz. Research is dedicated to all aspects of time-triggere

Key project responsibilities
  • Investigating application of nerual networks for predictive maintenence in industrial production systems.
  • Investigating application of time-sensitive communication on edge computing level within indistrial production systems and IIoT.
Key Collaborations
  • AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH
  • Signify GmbH
  • TTTech Computertechnik AG
  • TWT GmbH Science & Innovation
  • Infineon Technologies Austria AG
Technische Universität Wien
Karlsplatz 13
Persons in charge
Radu Grosu
Haris Isakovic
ULMA Embedded Solutions, S. Coop.
Sector: Automation, Tier 2
Business portrait

ULMA Embedded Solutions offer specialized in consulting, design, development, test and support services along the whole custom embedded product lifecycle. We also help our customers with tool integration and customization for stringent development processes and standard compliance. We are focused on embedded systems for safety- and mission-critical applications providing complete custom hardware and software solutions or specific parts like FPGAs or device drivers.

Key project responsibilities
  • Supply HW and SW components to be used in the use case 9.3
Key Collaborations
  • Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa Jose Maria Arizmendiarrieta S. Coop.
  • Savvy Data Systems SL
  • Ideko S. Coop.
ULMA Embedded Solutions, S. Coop.
Garagaltza Auzoa 51
Persons in charge
Sensors Business Manager
Tellu IoT AS
Sector: Information Technology,
Business portrait

Tellu IoT's mission is to facilitate the creation and operation of innovative and Trustworthy IOT Services in mission critical solutions and enable innovative efficient real-time operation of our customers’ end-user applications.
Tellu IoT's product offerings: TelluCloud integration platform, TelluCloud IoT Gateway

Key project responsibilities
  • Tellu IoTcontributes in following work packages: 3, 7 and 9. The objective is to increase the product quality in chemical production use-case by effectively using our systems for instrumentation, acqusition of sensor data, data analysis and visualisation.
Key Collaborations
  • Prediktor AS
  • Infineon Technologies AG
  • Unger Fabrikker AS
  • Tellu IoT AS
  • Høgskolen i Østfold – Østfold University College
Tellu IoT AS
Office Lensmannslia 4
+47 672 112 40
Persons in charge
Knut Eilif Husa
Konecranes Global Oy
Sector: Manufacturing, Machinery, Tier 1
Business portrait

Konecranes is a world-leading group of Lifting Businesses™, serving a broad range of customers, including manufacturing and process industries, shipyards, ports and terminals. Konecranes provides productivity enhancing lifting solutions and services for lifting equipment of all makes. Konecranes is the market leader in global crane service operating in around 600 service locations in nearly 50 countries.

Key project responsibilities
  • In WP 1 and WP2, Konecranes participates in the definition of concepts and requirement specifications.
  • In WP 9, Konecranes participates in the field pilot planning and implementation.
  • In WP 10, Konecranes takes part in dissemination of the results through publications and seminars.
Key Collaborations
  • Metso Minerals Oy
  • Wapice Oy
  • CrossControl Oy
  • Teknologian tutkimuskeskus VTT Oy
  • Tampere University of Technology
Konecranes Global Oy
Koneenkatu 8
+358 20 427 11
Persons in charge
Matti Kemppainen
Director, Research& Innovation
Heikki Mesiä
Senior Specialist, Crane Intelligence
+358 50 568 1271
Mikael Björkbom
Senior Chief Engineer, Tech Core Asset Intelligence Development
+358 50 544 1068
Rupesh More
Architect, Information, Tech IT Data to Knowledge
+358 50 486 2798
Sector: Research, OEM, Tier 1, Tier 2, Academia
Business portrait

TNO connects people and knowledge to create innovations that boost the competitive strength of industry and the well-being of society in a sustainable way. This is our mission and it is what drives us, the over 2,600 professionals at TNO, in our work every day. TNO is an independent research organisation. We believe in the joint creation of economic and social value.

Key project responsibilities
  • Demonstrate significant steps to a practical solution for Zero Defect, n=1 manufacturing challenge
  • Feedforward and feedback in the production line through connected sensors
  • Identify the next generation information architecture for (big) data management in production environments
Key Collaborations
  • Philips Consumer Lifestyle B.V.
Anna van Buerenplein 1
Persons in charge
Peter Laloli
project manager
+31 6 53725202
BnearIT AB
Sector: Information Technology,
Business portrait

BnearIT is a local partner in the IT industry in our home town, Luleå. With that as our base we have a deep understanding of the meaning of the words Closeness, Competence and Commitment. It is the foundation on which we base our way of working, wherever our assignments may take us.
BnearIT has a wide network of closely cooperating partners, thereby ready to take on and assist in complex challenges. We are the small agile partner when required and the large long term partner when required.

Key project responsibilities
  • WP leader of WP1 - Architectures & Concepts for Digital Industry
  • Task leader of T1.4 - Productive4.0 platform framework definition and implementation
Key Collaborations
  • AITIA INTERNATIONAL Informatikai Zártkörűen
  • Høgskolen i Østfold – Østfold University College
  • Luleå tekniska universitet
  • Volvo Lastvagnar Sverige AB
BnearIT AB
Stationsgatan 69
Persons in charge
Kent Eneris
Erik Karlsson
Project Manager
Fredrik Blomstedt
System Architect
Midroc Automation AB
Sector: Automation, Engineering,
Business portrait

Midroc is active in all industry sectors; from traditional basic industries to infrastructure.
We help our customers improve the utilization of resources and increase competitiveness.
With our project capability, we take full responsibility for both small and very large projects with power, automation, mechanical and process equipment.
We have the skills, practices and attitudes. This gives our customers simplicity and security.

Key project responsibilities
  • Involved in developing core systems of the Arrowhead Framework
  • Investigating improved and innovative business models for system integration based on the framework and technology of Productive 4.0
  • Investigating hardware and software solutions for usage in task T8.1.4
Key Collaborations
  • Volvo Lastvagnar Sverige AB
  • Luleå tekniska universitet
  • BnearIT AB
  • Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB
  • Ericsson AB
  • Combitech AB
  • AITIA INTERNATIONAL Informatikai Zártkörűen
Midroc Automation AB
Telegrafgatan 6A
Persons in charge
Oscar Carlsson
Project Manager
+46 10 470 75 00
Pfeiffer Vacuum SAS
Sector: Semi Conductor, OEM
Business portrait

Being a member of European Pfeiffer Technology AG group (2247 employees), Pfeiffer Vacuum SAS (Previously adixen Vacuum Products SAS) is a major provider of vacuum technology solutions, instrumentation and contamination solutions to the semiconductor, photo-voltaic and flat panel display industry, as well as to public research and development, large instruments community and to other large industries. Pfeiffer has more than 600 employees in Annecy, France (R&D center, production and service)

Key project responsibilities
  • Online analytics of wafer containers for improving their conditions and process stability
  • AMC measurement and identification, solution for specific contaminant measurement
  • Develop a mobile solution for non standard operations
Key Collaborations
  • Infineon Technologies Dresden GmbH & Co. KG
  • Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung e.V.
Pfeiffer Vacuum SAS
98 Avenue de Brogny
Persons in charge
Julien Bounouar
Process Manager
Statwolf Ltd.
Sector: Information Technology, OEM, Tier 1, Tier 2
Business portrait

Statwolf is an all-in-one business application platform that delivers tailor-made data intelligence solutions. Statwolf draws on input data from multiple sources, making it easy to monitor and compare. Statwolf helps Companies with custom-built data modelling solution, to manage high complexity problems. To do so, Statwolf platform is customized to individual clients to perfectly fulfill needs related to Descriptive, Predictive, and Prescriptive analytics.

Key project responsibilities
  • Identify rights data sources
  • Handle data integration and manipulation with state-of-the-art big data technologies
  • Develop big-data and advanced machine learning software
  • Consult, configure and maintain various databases (both SQL and noSQL)
  • Provide web-based and mobile GUIs, designed for each specific user, in order to maximize user adoption and jointly minimize the training phase
Key Collaborations
  • LFoundry SRL
Statwolf Ltd.
51/52 Fitzwilliam Square
Persons in charge
Simone Pampuri
+353 86 050 8184
Institute of Information Theory and Automation of the CAS
Sector: Research, Engineering, Academia
Business portrait

The Institute of Information Theory and Automation (UTIA) is a public non-university research institution which administratively falls under the Czech Academy of Sciences. UTIA conducts fundamental and applied research in computer science, signal and image processing, pattern recognition, system science, and control theory. In addition to its research activities, UTIA is engaged in undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate education.

Key project responsibilities
  • UTIA is involved mainly in WP3 and supports industrial modules enabling HW acceleration, HW interfacing in programmable logic
  • UTIA supports and demonstrates board packages, HW accelerators and I/O HW IP cores for Xilinx Zynq devices and Xilinx Zynq Ultrascale+ devices on industrial modules designed and manufactured mainly by the German company Trenz Electronics.
  • UTIA provides the needed support for these industrial modules to become compatible with the Arrow Head framework.
Key Collaborations
  • AITIA INTERNATIONAL Informatikai Zártkörűen
  • Luleå tekniska universitet
  • IMA s.r.o., Institut mikroelektronických aplikací
Institute of Information Theory and Automation of the CAS
Pod Vodarenskou vezi 4
Czech Republik
Persons in charge
Jiri Kadlec
Ing., CSc., head of the Department of signal processing
+420 2 6605 2216
Bosonit SL
Sector: Information Technology,
Business portrait

Bosonit is specialized in enhancing and advancing IT systems by:
- Designing and implementing big data infrastructures
- Incorporating Business Intelligence & Analytics (BI&A) techniques
- Building smart IoT-based solutions.
Its expertise comprises:
- Capture, storage, management and transfor-mation of data.
- Generation of cogent and meaningful information.
- Smart visualization and decision making applications.
- Prototypying for proof of concept

Key project responsibilities
  • Requirements for data acquisition
  • Data integration and fusion
  • Algorithms for monitoring, pattern detection, failure prediction and decision making
  • Dashboards for different users
Key Collaborations
  • Luleå tekniska universitet
  • Philips Consumer Lifestyle B.V.
Bosonit SL
C/ Portales 71, 2º
Persons in charge
Sara Madariaga
Miguel Fernández-Morales
IMA s.r.o., Institut mikroelektronických aplikací
Sector: Automation, Information Technology, Tier 2
Business portrait

Institute of Microelectronic Applications s.r.o. (IMA) is a limited private company (SME). Being on the market since 1992, IMA is well established in the smart card business and follow up micro technologies bridging towards nanotechnology. IMA is specializing in the development and supply of systems using electronic identification and biometrical technology, smart cards, RFID/NFC, ZigBee, BLE and LoRa technology.

Key project responsibilities
  • Tracking, sensing and actuating services (IDSIMA-IoT) use case.
  • Parallel management of various type of identifiers for different objects like products, components, transportation means.
  • Human identification -> extension towards CPS/IoT.
Key Collaborations
  • Ústav teorie informace a automatizace
IMA s.r.o., Institut mikroelektronických aplikací
Na Valentince 1003/1
Czech Republik
+ 420 251 081 023
Persons in charge
Tomas Trpisovsky
+420 603207900
Dana Reznakova
+420 604846081
Jiri Havlik
+420 251081070


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